Thursday, October 25, 2007

You realize you've grown up!

So I realized that I've grown up. I don't know when it happened, but it did. It's like when you wait and wait and wait for your birthday or christmas and before you know's here?! Weird! I have a wife. I have a house. I have a job. This is really not where I thought I would be now, but it worked out well. It's not that I am unhappy with life or even where I am. I love it. I'm just.....suprised. It's like when you want something for your birthday and you turn around and get something else. Your not unhappy with the present. It's just not what you thought it would be. WEIRD!

I love you Carla with all of my heart. I thank God that I am with you! Please stay close and I will be even closer!

Goodbye love!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Daze Like This!

Why is it that when you are young being older seems like ages away? Now that i am married and living on my own, it's crazy to think about how fast everything went. i think that when i look back it's just nothing but series of event. Long, exciting series of events.
My weeks always were just filled of looking for the next thing to look foward to. i think that everything that i was looking forward to is here and now. It's kind of a double edged sword. In one hand since i am here and now...then what next. Ah, then the other hand...i have my whole life to look forward to!
i really can't wait to see what is going to happen.

That You God for Your many blessings. Keep it coming!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Wife!

Today is my wife's birthday. Wow we've been together for over a year and married for almost two months. I think/know that God has a weird way of teaching us about stuff. We spend our entire lives waiting on this huge lecture session from God, like we are in class or something. I mean while we are in high school we want it to be more like college and when we get to college and get over our head we want it to be more like high school. Easier, right? So God created this mystical way of telling us about stuff. I love you! or You're mine and ok! I woke up to the sound of my wife in the shower today. Wow. He told me "You ARE mine and You Are ok! I guess this is the "Rob Bell" theory.

I love you so much and you mean the world to me. I feel that I don't tell you enough and that's probably a good thing. You've been through everything with me and that's insane since we've only been together for a short time. I don't ever want to be away from you! I LOVE YOU! I hope you have an amazing day!


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

New HOuse.

So we are in our very own house. We've waited for at least 6 months on this house and we've finally got it. i love it so much. We slept there for the first night on Saturday night. That was the best sleep i've had in awhile!!! I love my wife and everything about my life right now. i wish i could be making alittle bit more money but then i guess i wouldn't be so dependent on God for everything. It's a "catch 22" i guess. So I wish i had more to say but... that's about it. So til later. See yah!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I am going to make a really good post soon of my house. We need pics and help moving....some...So if you know of anyone who want's to help. Saturday afternoon we are there! Thanks and stay tuned!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Ok....So the day is finally here. i have not been able to sleep well for about two weeks now. i am so excited to finally be in our house. We are offically getting the keys to it today when we close. i can't wait to start the rest of our lives together. The memories and dreams that we will have are so exciting to think about.

God is so good. It's really a testiment to see what He does for us in our lives. We decided a long time ago that we were going to live for God in our relationship and i think so far we have. i get to see everyday how much Carla loves me and how much God loves me thru her!

i want to do so much!

i don't know where to start!
*this pics for ryan!

Love, Later, Bye,


Sunday, August 19, 2007

The hardest thing that i have ever done in my entire life is buy a house. In that we haven't even bought the house yet. Why can't it be easy and just a swap of the keys and a hand shake. i know, i know. we have to protect our investments. . . so what. Once the keys dropped no one cares what you do to the house. As long as you have the money at the end of the month so what. i just want it over. i want to begin the rest of my life with my beautiful wife. Why, oh why is that so hard?

i want a dog. We have been hanging out with Jarrod, Stacy and their dog, Rudy. It's just made me in a sense of want i guess. i know i don't need a dog and that it's soo much work to deal with one. i mean i can kinda keep up with Jonah (who, at this moment, has figured out that he can reach the door handle. The same door handle that we use to leave with. How sad, that our cat is coming to grips with life and reality.)

Love, Later, Bye


-my friend Chris' Dog!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

i think that some times we forget which friends we really miss. It's not until you hang out with them again 'til you really notice it. i wish that things would never change. Like we just felt the same everyday...happy. Not that i am not happy. i have a beautiful wife and about to have a home to ourselves. i just mean, that what if we were just happy little drones. Like that we didn't feel pain or suffering. i know that scripture shows that we wouldn't ever learn or know what God's love really is. i guess it's just my selfish thinking . Thinking that i know everything in the world and that it would be better done my way. You learn alot from a good close friend, or even a wife! A beautiful, stunning, never giving up kinda wife!
i Love you baby and you mean the world to me. Thanks for fighting for me!

Love, Later, Bye

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Music Star!?

So, i was wondering what it would look like if i had my own cd cover. i realize that i get really bored really easy. But it's ok cause it will come in handy one day down the road.

i know that i am not the best singer in the world but i want to see what can happen. It might be good for one when we settle down in nashville. Which is, oddly enough, where i was conceived. Me, Carla, and the twins. Right?
By God's will alone!

Love, Later, Bye,


Friday, August 3, 2007

So this week has been pretty crazy. I think we came into this week hoping for it to be straight out of a movie or something. I think that in so many ways it was. Our “motel” that we stayed at was just that… a motel. We walked into a king size prison. Little did we know that Motel 6’s King size rooms were also handicap only. Meaning that the bathroom was huge with bars everywhere. It was creepy. We also didn’t have any towels or rags. I don’t know if they even looked at the room after checkouts. So oh well! Needless to say we ended up enjoying the room and are having an amazing time here. It’s kind of boring in some parts…meaning that if it rains, you’re screwed! But we cope as married couples do. (Wink) We are finding out so much about life and just each other. It’s so shocking to be married and young. It took us awhile to just realize the reality. So we just started to call each other “Husband & Wife”, duly needed! We just can’t wait to get back and just show each other off and be officially married in Ham Town! We love everyone there and miss you all. Married Couples UNITE!

Love, Later, Bye

Wednesday, July 25, 2007 to keep my mind off the craziness of today i got bored and searched for fonts. i have this friend who's a graphic designer... he gave me this whole spill on "how fonts could change the whole image" Which i found remarkable. We found out today that our piano player couldn't make it to play at the wedding (AHHHHH!) {valid reason} His wife have been in the hospital since monday and since they had the baby on wednesday a week ago they should probably watch after her. (good_idea) So in my dismay, he actually found us a piano player who could play for us. Wow, i feel like God was watching over us because i just got out of my mouth a prayer like this...
God, i know that you are in control of everything and that you know everything that's going on right i am not going to pray that you change a thing. Just that You would just keep us calm and let us know You are there. The end, Matt
Well kinda like that.

Troy was on tv tonight. WOW, i was just shocked to know that i knew someone from tv...and that my little mattie was on there all grown up. FUN. Night time.

Love, Later, Bye,


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

So i think that i have learned more in the last year then i have in my life. Well at least about me. i know that i thought i knew everything...sorely mistaken. Oh well life goes on. i know that in two days i will have a beautiful wife. In three to five years i will have a beautiful baby. i want to trust God in everything that He gives me. i thank Him for my friends and know that He is my sole provider for everything!

P.s. Thanks ashley and jessica for you are the only ones who read this. Wow i need to get out more!

Love, Later, Bye.


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Getting Close!

Lately i have been going through this phase where i think that people hate me. i don't know if it's stress from the wedding or what. But i think that it's just a phase i go through every year or so. i know that people really don't hate me.....or do they...... i just get the impression that they do. Maybe it's just a chemical imbalance or something. Or maybe it's just God way of telling me to "chill out"(yes, God would def. say chill out). Either way i am starting to feel the wear and tear of the close coming wedding. It's so weird to think how far Carla and i have come over a year and now she's going to be my wife. i am in love with her and i thank God so much for her. She is amazing and beautiful and kinda much.
Love, Later, Bye


P.s. it's weird how you can feel God sometimes and just know.

Monday, July 9, 2007


i know that it must seem strange to some people that i am getting married, mainly me. i can't believe that it's already here. Carla and i were thinking the other day just how much time we had left.....about two full friday's. Wow that's not much at all. We just got our programs done and with a little help we got it finish. i am really proud of it. i know that it's not much but i love it. It's something that we both put time and effort i like it. Besides the fact that i am about to have an amazing, beautiufl wife, i am secondarly excited about my paid honeymoon. With strategic vacation time, i will be paid while having sex. i know that sounds gross but once again i like it!!! So wish us luck and prayer. Our relationship is solely based on the grace and glory of God. He is the reason we are together. So we thank Him so much for everything!!
Love, Later, Bye,

Saturday, July 7, 2007



So we have about 20 days left, until we are married of coarse. It's kinda a crazy thought to think that i am growing up so fast. i know that i am 23 this year and that everything is right, timing wise. But it's just a crazy thought. You know, i am really excited to see what God has for us. i know that things can be hard and that i always wanted times to be rough for use. (just so that we could grow closer and depend on each other) But i know that God has so much more for us. We sometimes don't even know how much God is watching over us. So i thank Him verbally right now. THANK YOU GOD! Thank You for giving me everything that i need and will ever need. i know that i could never understand what your plan is, so maybe i should just sit back and enjoy the show. So .....It's Show Time!